Bidding for Lower Value Public Sector Contracts

Selling to the public sector is often considered too difficult for many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and such opportunities too remote by many companies that could and should be considering the public sector as a key potential customer.

Public sector organisations are good customers because they:

  • have to be fair, honest and professional in the way they choose suppliers and in any dealings with them
  • are less likely to be subject to fluctuations in the market
  • pay promptly and in line with agreed contract terms
  • pay accounts within 30 days (or any other agreed credit period) of receiving a valid bill or invoice

Trading successfully with the public sector will also give you added credibility when dealing with private sector customers.

If you are interested in looking at selling to the public sector, but have no idea how to start, you should visit and fill in the registration form. It will take you about ten minutes, so what have you got to lose?